Artist Interview - Bareface (Pt. 2)

We had soooo much to chat about with artist Bareface that we could have split this interview into three parts! Proving our bold Bareface is not just a superb talent in art and drawing but an experienced, inspirational and thoroughly cool person. This is more than an interview but a real and inspirational tale for artists everywhere! Our Skull-duggery Deck was launched back in October as part of our special Black History Month celebrations securing Flick Solitaire as the finest mobile Solitaire game in the world! Enjoy the Skull-duggery Deck in game now!

Right, let’s get FLICKING and hear more from Bareface…

How much does others' opinion of your art matter to you? 💬

- It used to matter a great deal when I was starting out. You want to be respected by your peers and those in the scene you respect and of course you want people to like your work so that they want to own it. But I got into a trap of letting the validation of others dictate how I create and produce a load of work that didn't sit right with me. I took some time out to figure out what I wanted and why I got into it in the first place. Regardless of sales, what is the most important thing for me is that I am expressing myself as honestly and authentically as possible. If I get goosebumps, then that's all that matters, if others connect with it too then its a great bonus. 

90s or 00s? 😋

- The 90s. So much was going on culturally and hormonally it was like a massive journey into the unknown. 

What do you feel ahead of an art show/exhibition? 🏛️

- I love the run up of a show more than the show itself. I like the creating and curating of it and having the axe of a deadline looming over my head. But once it's up on the walls, there is a strange sense of detachment to the pieces. It is as if they are not mine anymore as they are for the public to devour. 

What have you missed most during lockdown? 🔒

- Hugs! 🤗

Trainers, high-tops or neither? 👟

- I used to play a lot of basketball so high-tops all the way! 

What have you been most proud of in the last 5 years? 🏆

- I have been fortunate to have experienced a lot in the last five years. It would have to be the Dare to Dream murals as they are permanent fixtures in my hometown, but a notable mention is doing a portrait of Lord Sugar and having that being presented to him at a launch of new business by an Apprentice show winner.

Apart from Solitaire (obvs) what is your favourite card game? ❤️

- Snap! (just kidding) I like Rummy and Slap Jack. 

What's your three words of wisdom to aspiring artists? 3️⃣


What are you working on right now? ⚙️

- I am putting the finishing touches to a monograph called "The curious case of the man with no face". It's a collection of short essays and art pieces I started writing during lockdown about creativity, my process and trying to drag myself out of a creative slump I suffered after a solo art exhibition a few years ago. 

Jim Carrey - fellow artist and funny man - what's your fav Carrey film? 😂

- Yes, and what a great artist too. If I had to choose one, it would be Dumb n Dumber!

Would you pose for live drawing? 😮

- I wouldn't object to it but maybe when I am a lot older. The older models usually make for better subjects. 

What artwork adorns your home? 🖼️

- This is going to sound self-centred, but a lot of it is my work, simply because I didn't have the storage space. But I have a collection of prints from my peers that I love to support.  

Do you play any musical instruments - if not, which would you choose? 🎹

- I used to play the guitar, but then I got into DJ-ing as a teenager so became obsessed with that. But I am considering picking up the guitar again. It's like learning a language, so it's good to do, I am very much into mastery. 

What's the biggest message from your artwork? ✉️

- Never forget your inner child. We live in a world where kids are being pushed to grow up a lot faster than they should. I remember saying I can't wait until I am older, but then when I got there I found I wished I was back at that age. There is a level of play and awe and wonder kids have which we lose to the seriousness of being an adult, so I try to inject a little bit of childhood nostalgia or play into your lives. 

Tea or coffee?

- Tea, milk no sugar please! lol. Coffee is in emergency break the glass because I will be bouncing about like Tigger. 

Check out Bareface, all the artists and their FLICKING fierce work in-game here!


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