Deck Interview - Frederick Jones


Hello Frederick Jones! - ‘MR. Publisher’ at MyFutPrint Entertainment behind ALL the Saturday AM brands - the world’s most diverse MANGA experience! 

Welcome to the FLICK family!

So BOOM! Solitaire has been Manga-fied! The world has its FIRST OFFICIAL SATURDAY AM DECK in FLICK SOLITAIRE featuring the hottest PLUS never before seen distinctive characters from across your comic brands!

How good does that feel, Frederick?

- It feels GREAT! Ian Masters and FLICK have created one of the most enjoyable casual gaming experiences and to have our characters appear within FLICK is quite special.

With 52 different designs for each playing card by different artists based all over the world - how hard was it to manage the creative process?

- It’s always difficult to usher so many creators together but at Saturday AM and our extended family of brands, we have a culture that puts our community 1st.  

Do you have a favourite playing card suit?

- LOL. I never thought of that but I guess I would say HEARTS.

We heard you’re a fan of the bootylicious Beyoncé… What's your favourite tune you can get down to?

- AH! I’m very much into music and for whatever reason, the combo of great production and female vocals really are my preference. So, I don’t have a specific Beyoncé song but I do enjoy her, plus Portishead, Janaesound, Charli XCX, Sia, Broods, and so on.

Which is your favourite FLICK deck? (minus SATURDAY AM of course!)

- It’s a toss up between Midnight Turbo and Plants ‘N’ Pixies.

We ALL love your Pub Talks on Saturday AM - do tell us, what is IN that famous brand of coffee cup? :)

- You’ll laugh but it’s just coffee. I know… I KNOW. What can I tell you but I’m a simple man...

So, why MANGA? For those who might have been on another planet, please tell us what Manga is all about?

- So, ‘MANGA’ just means ‘COMICS’ or ‘COMIC BOOKS’ in Japan. That said, it has a very distinctive style of presentation and character designs so that when you see it you know it!

It’s been 8 years since Saturday AM launched  - you know what the fallout is right!... So what would have been your advice to your 2013 self? 

- Be’s going to take a while to get going.

How do you unwind? 

- Sadly… I don’t.  Not nearly enough but I walk my dog several times a day and THAT is a pleasurable experience to me. 

Your comic series are packed FULL of strong, powerful heroes - what would your special power be?

- Time travel!

What is your favourite card game?

- SOLITAIRE, hands down!

Are there any tips for the type of material you are excited by from new artists for Saturday AM?

- Be authentic to YOUR background - too many young creators think manga means the character has to have a Japanese name, live in Japan, and potentially look ambiguous Caucasian or Asian and we reject ALL of that mentality. Create the stories that you can dream of and are most versed in so that it feels true to your own experiences.

Who is your favourite NFL team?

- I’m NOT a big NFL guy and prefer NBA and College Basketball - my fave sports team period is my alma mater, UNC - Tarheels!

What makes a piece of art great?

- Authenticity.

FLICK was honoured to sponsor the toughest art tournament March Art Madness (MAM) 2021! Here at FLICK we were and still are blown away by the quality of art from all over the world - do YOU have a favourite ever design/winner?

- Yes, there was a MY HERO ACADEMIA piece as the winning final entry for Bailey Butel from Australia - I still love that!

What is the biggest stereotype you have come across in this industry?

- As an African American, the stereotype I come across is that white straight men are always perceived as the smartest and most capable professionals. As a result, women, minorities, and LGBTQI tend to be dismissed unless they are OVERQUALIFIED and okay with working harder for the same credit. That sleight can be difficult over a long period of time.

Hi-tops or trainers?

- LOL - as an AMERICAN I had to look this up and the only thing I can say is that I am NOT a “shoe guy”. Long as they go on my feet and don’t hurt - I’m good.

I feel we have got to know each other somewhat by working on the Saturday AM deck plus the Round 3 Review Show on Whyt’s YouTube channel - I know you say what you feel and have an honest ferociousness about your feedback - so please give us your best Fred feedback moments? 

- LOL. I have no idea what you mean...but yes, I have HAD my Simon Cowell moments. I’d rather be BRUTALLY HONEST with people than politely dishonest.

Part Two with Frederick coming soon…

Take a look at our SATURDAY AM DECK featuring characters from ACROSS ALL the Saturday AM brands including SMASH HIT SERIES HAMMER and APPLE BLACK


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