Artist Interview - Jemila

Super Mario or Sonic, if any?  (No, you are not allowed Princess Peach!πŸ‘)

- I prefer Mario games, but I am somehow more attached to Sonic characters!

What artwork adorns your home? πŸ–ΌοΈ

- My mum really loves art, so we have a lot of paintings hanging all over! Some of them are even mine, which no matter how many times I ask, she refuses to take down.

Chocolate or Vanilla flavour ice cream? 🍨

- Chocolate, no question!

What was it like working with the Flick Solitaire family?  What was the most challenging part?

- It has been so much fun! I really love sinking my teeth into a big project! And anytime I was unsure of something, it was so nice i had someone to ask about it! The hardest part was trying to make everything look cohesive. Sometimes when I am not paying attention, my art style tends to shift and change, which is good in the long run, but not so much when you are trying to make a set of something!

🎨 Which piece of your own artwork are you most proud of?

- I got to design a pride shirt for one of my favourite D&D podcasts! Even now when I see a picture of someone wearing it just puts the biggest smile on my face!

Who or what motivates you?

- Seeing other people doing creative things! I think that is why I have so many hobbies if I see someone make stuff it just makes me want to make it too! I also feel like I have a short attention span, so I like to do a lot of different things, sometimes all at once! I also feel like sometimes making things feels sort of like solving a puzzle? Trying to work out the best way to get the results you want, and I do love a good puzzle!

β˜€οΈSummer or ❄️Winter?

I love a winter aesthetic and all the things that come with it, like cosy jumpers and hot chocolate. But I just can't stand the cold!

What is your favourite πŸ‘Ύ video game?

- I find this question so difficult to answer! I have so much love for so many different games for all very different reasons! Some games I like just for the game feel, some I like for how interesting the mechanics get implemented, some I like for the story, some I like for the visuals. It all depends on what mood I am in, the position of the stars, and how much time you have to hear my ramblings!

Congrats on being part of Digipride20!! πŸŒˆ How did you decide which of your fabulous artworks would feature and why are these events important to artists/yourself?

- I sort of just picked art that I thought really shows the kind of things I like to do! I love me some character design, making everything sparkle, and a good dose of Dungeons and Dragons! I think events like this are important to show how really diverse the gaming world is! Being about to look around and see people like you, who are into the same kind of things is so incredibly joyful! And it helps to make you feel a lot less alone.

What would you ask your Fairy Godmother? 🧚

- The very basic ability to not overthink literally everything would be nice!

Are you a fan of Bake Off 🍰 - if so, what would you bake?

- Love me some Bake Off and I love to bake! My signature is a cookie and cream cheesecake! I am still trying to get better at baking savoury things though.

Apart from Flick Solitaire (of course) what is your favourite card game? πŸƒ

- Not going to lie, me and the family played a very heated game of Go-Fish recently and it was a lot of fun!

What is your advice for aspiring artists?

- Do art that makes you happy! I know in this time of social media, it feels like the only way to get noticed is by doing what everyone else is doing, but if you don't like what you make, then what's the point? Also, if you keep doing the art that you like, eventually the people who resonate with that will find you! So just keep at it and make yourself smile! πŸ₯°

Start collecting Jemila’s Best In Dough Deck - out NOW!


Artist Interview - Bareface (Pt. 1)


Artist Interview - Ollie T (Pt. 2)