Artist Interview - Elora Pautrat (Pt.2)

Fans of pastel neon Tokyo skylines will know our artist Elora and her dreamy deckTea Matsuri. Read part two of her exclusive chat with FLICK!

Who is your biggest fan?

- Probably my grandmother

Please finish the sentence... 'I can never leave home without.....'

- My phone, I'm glued to it (since I'm my own community manager on top of my day job, it's a lot of work)

Ice cream or ice lolly?

- Ice Cream!

What gives you a warm glow inside?

- Spending time in my grandmother's cabin in the Alps, drinking Italian hot chocolate!

What limits your creativity most?

- Being stuck in one place, travelling helps my creativity a lot.

Please tell us about Bugsnax?

- It was a fun project to work on! They needed help to create some assets before the game's release. It was such a cute concept, I'm really glad I got to work on it.

Similar to a good ol' game of solitaire, your art creates a very soothing and relaxing state of mind - how do you relax?

- Is it weird to say UV mapping?? I also loveee hiking (but rain in the UK makes it difficult)

French or Japanese cuisine?

- French! (Mainly because of cheese haha)

Following your first ever exhibition in Japan! A M A Z I N G and congratulations! How did you feel about your art being raw and naked for people to view?

- It felt amazing, although a bit bittersweet not to be able to attend my first ever exhibit! But it was a great opportunity, I think for any artist this is a great achievement, so I'm really thankful and proud!

Are you ticklish?

- Yes

When was the last time you went home to France? Do you get homesick?

- It was in August last year, I usually don't really get homesick but last year was really challenging and a lot happen in my life, and if it wasn't for Brexit happening, I would have stayed in France a wee bit longer!

Here at Flick we have noticed the odd feline feature in your art - if you have/had a pet cat what would/do you call it?

- It's funny because I grew surrounded by (lots) of cats, so I guess in a way they inspired me (they really are helpful at relaxing), my last cat was named Ninja (was a huge fan of Ninja turtle as a kid, and my parents wouldn't let me call it Godzilla). So I guess when I'll have an other one I'll go for Godzilla or Gnocchi!

What is your favourite sound?

- The sound of late Spring/Summer in the Alps. The soft sound of a distant mountain stream, birds chirping and insects buzzing around 

Full or crescent moon?

- Both! I have a tattoo of a crescent moon but there's something very special about witnessing a full moon!

Who did you tell first about creating a deck for Flick?

- Most likely my best friend!

Three words of advice that you would have given to yourself 5-years ago?

- Everything is going to be ok and a lot better than what you could have ever imagined!

Elora’s sweet memories of nights in Tokyo fill her deck which is available in-game plus for more of her artwork do check out her shop!


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