Artist Interview - Elora Pautrat (Pt. 1)

It’s OFFICIALLY teatime at Flick HQ as we welcome our 19th artist to the family - Elora Pautrat and her dreamy Tokyo inspired deck - Tea Matsuri!

Please tell us more about the ideas behind your deck and it's title?

- I love tea time, I find it so relaxing! And like a lot of my art I wanted it to be related to Japan in some way, hence the Matsuri!

Can you speak Japanese?

- Only very basic stuff, but I'm planning to take proper lessons sometime soon!

Do you own a teapot?

- I own a bit too many teapots actually, I love ceramics and pottery and I tend to buy too much, most of my teapots actually became plant pots haha

Your art is serene and dreamlike - what would your dreamlike world be like?

- I'd love a time during the day where buildings change colours just like the sky does during sunset! Buildings, forests and sky would match with soothing sunrise/sunset colours, just like in my artworks

Have you ever had any fashion disasters?

- Probably like anybody else, yes haha! Can't really think of anyone except from the ones from my childhood and my parents were the ones dressing me

As your passion for Japan blossomed did you pick up any Japanese customs?

- I tend to bow a little when I say thank you haha! Haven't been in Japan for a while now, so it went away. But everytime I come back from Japan it's a habit I don't get rid of immediately

As a keen traveller, which destinations are on your list to visit one day?

- I honestly would like to visit every country. My priority right now is to go back to France and Italy, then Japan and I would love to visit New Zealand next!

Which is your favourite Flick deck?

- Medieval Cats!! I love history and cats so this one is perfect!!

Do you dream in pastels?

- Sometimes yes!

Flats or heels?

- Heels all the way

What are the most encouraging words you have received during your career so far?

- My original goal with my art was to ease my anxiety, so to hear that it's also working for other people definitely makes the whole project feel a lot more special and worthy!
How do you pass the time on your travels?.. reading, music, cards!?

- I tend to watch the Lord of the Ring trilogy on long flights, for short ones between the UK and France for exemple, I simply listen to music or play Solitaire :)

What has got your attention in the games industry right now?

- We are OFK (and I'm not just saying this because I worked on it), I love the art direction and the soundtracks are so good!!! Can't wait for people to discover this project very soon

Part II of our cosy chat and virtual cuppa with Elora coming soon - we hope Flickers enjoy their journey to Japan via our Tea Matsuri deck available in-game now!


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