Artist Interview - Chris Black (Pt.1)

We welcome Chris Black and his creatures to FLICK!

Born from rambles through the woods with your own clan you created the children’s book Meet the Crumplefunks, has illustrating a book always been part of your master plan?

- I grew up on Raymond Briggs and Roald Dahl and I loved weird dark stories. When I had my own children I wanted to share that with them. I found a lot of modern children's books lacked darkness so I started making up my own stories. Crumplefunks is one of them. Other stories included "vomit donkey" and "seagull of rage". 

Would you consider creating your own book for adults - something eerie and dark?  :)  

- Crumplefunks has two layers of humour. As a parent you may have to read the same book hundreds of times so we put in a lot of subtle gags in. We have considered doing adult children's stories but thought we may get in trouble if someone picked up the wrong version! 

Dream future project?

- I would love to turn one of my stories into a film or animated show. A film that was only truly appreciated by all the weird kids.

We’d love (and hope) to see, {plus smell...yes, I am a book sniffer!} real copies of your beautiful book (currently on Amazon/Kindle). Would you ever do a book signing or do you prefer to stay out of the spotlight? Maybe dress up as a Crumplefunk too? 

- The plan is to build enough of a following so we can do a go fund me for signed copies. Andy and I are book lovers too and I would love to see hard copies that were read to destruction. If it gets that popular I want to get a Crumplefunks costume and attack joggers in the woods! 

When are you at your most creative?

- Everyday I have to be creative or I feel like I am dying. It's a constant need. I have made over 50 video games and I am currently nearly finished with my second book. 

Worst idea you have had lately?

- Eating ice cream despite a sugar allergy. Every time I pay for it. 

What is your favourite card game? Bonus points for naming one we don’t know!

- Top Trumps especially trains! 

Do you think the Crumplefunks will behave in FLICK?

- If it's edible it's done for. 

Two wheels or four?

- Crumplefunks like to roller skate. 
How pleased are you to see your charming chaotic characters on cards?

- Very chuffed. I particularly love other people's reactions. A friend told me she suspects she worked with Crumplefunks in disguise! 

What made you belly laugh recently?

- My two sons, they have a silly sense of humour! 

Crumplefunks are ALIVE in-game.. they really do look furry! The details and colours are beautiful. Did you need to do any artistic tweaking to make them look perfectly purple for Flick?

- Crumplefunks are all drawn with ink and fountain pens on thick textured paper. This creates a rich textured imperfect quality that digital doesn't have. The colour is added digitally later. The purple is inspired by the heather flowers in the Peak District during summer. 

Bath or shower?

- Shower! Yuk to dirty people soup. Crumplefunks enjoy fart jacuzzis in ponds as a form of fishing. 

Favourite time of year?

- Autumn because of Halloween! 

Any secrets for the BEST Yorkshire pud?

- Giant pud is best as you can never have enough. 

What keeps you creative?

- Other artists, it's never been a better time to be inspired by so many amazing creative people. Nature too, Crumplefunks is a very magical woodland place in the UK full of weird fungus and rotting logs. 

Dead Skinned is hilariously disturbing - love it! Constantly pining for a human skin phone case! How is your leather crafting coming along? ;)

- I love to shock. My phone case got me banned forever from Facebook. I told the Crumplefunks that Zuckerberg tastes of onion chocolate so they are after him. 

The mischievous Crumplefunks are masters of life hacks - what is your ultimate life hack?

- Get up at 5am. You can enjoy the world free of humans and get everything done before people wake up. 

What is your favourite smell?

- Damp autumn forest

Do you have plans to create more books? What has been the biggest lesson learned so far from your first toe dip into the publishing world?

- Publishers don't like dismemberment in children's books. So ignore them and self publish. My next book is based on a story by Andy Dilks called Obsolete. It's about a robot with a heart. 

If you could have worked on ANY video game - what would it be?

- Wario World. I love any game where you are the baddie and do mischief. 

We see a good game of ‘gowlf’ is enjoyed by your furry friends! We were just wondering if you had anything personal against owls?

- Crumplefunks do. They say owls are aloof and smug. I think owls torment crumplefunks.

A huge thanks to Chris! We have Pt.2 ready and coming soon. In the meantime, you gotta read Meet the Crumplefunks


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