Artist Interview - Andrew Heath Pt.1

Welcome our NEWEST ARTIST - Andrew Heath! A designer and illustrator from Kentucky, US, whose work primarily focuses on the world of popular culture.

We are so excited to speak to Andrew about his art and his self-published card game, Burger Battle - which is the inspiration behind his deck for FLICK!

Supporting artists is super important to us so if you love Andrew’s deck and style please follow him on Instagram: @andrewheathdesign and check out his prints on his website:

Katie: Hello Andrew. Welcome to the FLICK family!

Katie: We came across your art work on Instagram and were immediately craving salty fries and a thick shake! Your art designs have such a nostalgic good feel factor to them!

Let’s chat FLICKING ART!

Katie: Your deck Burger Battle is LIVE in-game now - how does it feel!?

Andrew: It feels great! You never know what kind of jobs are going to come your way, so when Flick reached out, it was very exciting.  Designing a deck for a really cool solitaire app isn’t something that I thought could or would happen, but here we are!

Katie: Working in the industry, tell us what your ultimate tabletop game is?

Andrew: It’s so funny, because I’m not a HUGE tabletop gamer. It’s one of those things that I just happened to fall into and it really took off. Over the years I’ve played a ton of different games here and there, but to be honest, I enjoy the simple ones the most. Games like UNO, Exploding Kittens and of course, Burger Battle - Yes, I play my own game.

Katie: What extra is a must on a burger?

Andrew: A fully dressed burger is a must for me, lettuce, onion, tomato with any kind of condiment. I remember when I was a kid it was always “meat and cheese, please!” Now leaving the garden off is a no-no!
Katie: Your delicious deck is based on your own self-published card game Burger Battle - tell us more about your game?

Andrew: Burger Battle is a strategy and sabotage based card game, which is called a “take that” game in the tabletop community. Each player has to build a specific burger by collecting different ingredients. While doing that, you also have to keep other players from building their burgers first. There are Burger Bombs, Burger Force Fields, cards that add and take ingredients away. There’s also an optional card called “Burgerpocalypse” which can destroy everyone's burgers, including your own! It’s a crazy and silly game, but I love it!

Katie: What did you learn from your experience funding Burger Battle on Kickstarter?

Andrew: My main takeaway from the Burger Battle Kickstarter was that it was WAY more work than I ever expected it to be. Leading up to the launch, I believed I was 100% prepared - I was not. I more or less had to drop everything else going on and give all of my focus to the campaign. Although it was a lot of work, it was well worth it!

Katie: Favourite flavour milkshake?

Andrew: I usually go with chocolate and peanut butter. I do have strong feelings regarding milkshake flavours though - If you get a vanilla milkshake, you’re doing it wrong and wasting a milkshake.

Katie: How long have you been illustrating?

Andrew: I’ve been doing some form of art ever since I was about 6, but have been professionally illustrating since 2008.

Katie: What inspired you to mix illustration and tabletop games?

Andrew: Again, it’s another one of those gigs that you never think of or expect to come your way, but once it does you’re like, “of course, someone has to be doing this stuff!” Once I got one job, another came along and so on. It’s definitely become one of my favourite types of freelance jobs because it’s the perfect blend of both graphic design and illustration.

Katie: Do you own a pair of pepperoni print pants?

Andrew: Unfortunately, I do not. Someday though...

Katie: Favourite card game and why?

Andrew: It’s that ok that I say Burger Battle? When I designed it, I was able to throw in everything I love about card games. Lame answer, I know, but it’s true!

Katie: Favourite FLICK deck?

Andrew: That’s a tough one - there are so many great decks! I really dig Impeccable India by Bhavya Patunjal. It’s a really sharp deck and I love the style. But, now that I have my own deck, I’ll probably have to say Burger Battle!

Katie: How do you feel about Mandalorian star Pedro Pascal playing Joel Miller from the infamous video game series The Last Of Us I/II?

Andrew: I actually haven’t played too much of The Last of Us, but Pedro Pascal has been great in the Mandalorian as well as anything else I’ve seen him in, so I’m sure he’ll kill it!

Katie: What is the first video game you remember playing?

Andrew: I think probably Super Mario Bros. 3. We visited some of my family in Florida and our cousin had a NES and we played SMB 3 pretty much the entire time. He showed us all of the secrets in the game, which made us feel super cool later on! Fun fact, we weren’t cool. I think everyone knew about those secrets, ha!

Thank you Andrew!

Part two serving soon! In the meantime, get your GRILL on with Andrew’s Burger Battle Deck in-game now!

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