Aliaga Mirguseinov
Aliaga Mirguseinov is a children’s book illustrator, graphic artist and teacher from Vilnius, Lithuania.
Inspired by cartoons, children’s books, manga, and his trip to Japan - Aliaga’s work consists of vibrant & dynamic colour compositions, positive emotions, love for nature and fondness for cute things. On the side Aliaga teaches kids / teenagers drawing and illustrating techniques, both traditional & digital, and how to have fun as a creative daydreamer.
Winter Wish card deck is about cute winter animals and birds who share winter’s magic with us through sheer happy emotions and warm coziness.
Website: Aliaga Mirg Illustrations
Instagram: alikmirguseinov

“From my Winter Wish Deck, I like the Aces most because of the small winter creatures that give more variety to the other card suits.”